The village of Elsau, Switzerland |

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Ulrich's Childhood
Hans Ulrich Brungger was
born April 14, 1726 in Elsau Parish, Canton, Zurich, Switzerland.
He was the fourth
child of Andreas Brungger and Regula Herter. Source: Globally unique Identifier: E5E41F53-4727-4C91-B569-33D1C096931C
Record ID Number: MH:IF1072834
On Apr. 14, 1726 Hans Ulrich Brungger was Christened in Elsau,
Zurich, Switzerland.
This is a photo of a page from the Christening records of the church in Elsau Switzerland. The entry below the
post it note, is Andreas Brinker andRegula Herter, followed in the next column by the name Hans Ulrig (Ulrich). I took this
photo in 2008 while at the Zurich University Genealogy Center. Sara Brinker Kruger, Marshfield, WI
His cristening was done at the Elsau Evangelical Reformed Church. This is the church the Brinker
family attended when they emigrated to the U.S in 1734. The church is still in use and well maintained. The oldest part dates
to 1250. Source: I took this photo in 2008 while at the Zurich University Genealogy
Center. Sara Brinker Kruger, Marshfield, WI
Rotterdam shipping dock since 1300s |
Click to enlarge |
On November 4, 1734 at the age of 8, Ulrich
and his family left their home in a tiny village in the foot hills of the Swiss Alps on the banks of the Rhine River, in
route to America. No doubt, at the age of eight, Ulrich knew of the oppression being put on his father and realized
that their home was being taken away from them but, as we read the story of his father's hardships, we can only imagine what it was like for a boy eight years old, traveling 375 miles
to the huge bustling city of Rotterdam, were the people treated him like common cargo or live stock. Then being loaded
on a ship with very little room to move around, over looking nothing but the waters of the Atlantic Ocean for 8-10 weeks and
watching his four year old sister, Maria Elizabeth, die and be thrown over board. (Source: Letter to Barbara J. Brinker of San Francisco, CA from Swiss Archives, dated
Passenger List Brig. Mary |
Click to enlarge |
Port of Liverpool |
Click to enlarge |
After leaving Rotterdam the ship was required to stop at England's Port of Liverpool to register its cargo and
passengers being transported to America.
On June 28, 1735 again we can only imagine the excitement this
young child felt when he spotted land, as the Brigantine Mary pulled into the Bay of Delaware and docked at Fishbourne's Wharf
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Source: STRASSBURGER, RALPH BEAVER.
Pennsylvania German Pioneers: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals in the Port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808.
With 41 passengers, 8-10 crew members, all of their baggage and enough
food and supplies to last the 8-10 week voyage on board that 88 foot boat, imagine what Ulrich felt as he stepped out
on solid ground and began to walk, with his family to the courthouse, which was located on Second St. two
blocks from Fishbourne’s Wharf,where his father was required to take the oath of allegiance to the state of Pennsylvania.
The State of Pennsylvania required all male immigrants over the age
of sixteen to take this oath immediately, upon arrival. Ulrich being only eight years old, he did
not have to take the oath.
was at this point that his name was changed to the English translation “Ulrich Brinker”. In the German language
the name Hans was short for, or nickname for, Johannes (John). Many times this was dropped during the translation
to English, thus the name "Ulrich Brinker" The Brinker surname was spilled Brungger in the German dialog and Braucker
in the Swiss dialog.
Along with his father and brothers Ulrich was one of the first Brinkers recorded in the United
Pennsylvania Early Census Index shows Ulrich
and each of his family living in Philadelphia Twsp. Philadelphia County in 1735 but, we do not know the date the census was enumerated. We do know he arrived
there June 28, 1735.
(Source: Jackson, Ronald V., Accelerated Indexing Systems,
comp.. Pennsylvania Census, 1772-1890 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 1999)
No records that I have found
show evidence of the exact location were Henry and his family lived in Philadelphia,
but as we seen in the story of his father all indication are that this family temporarily lived in Germantown, on the northwest
side of Philadelphia, until moving to Bucks County, Pa.
On March 5, 1739 Ulrich's
father, Andreas, received a land warrant for fifty acres located in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, about
51 miles north of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
It was here that Ulrich lived and helped his
father and brothers clear land and build a home and farm.
Some time between 1740 and 1744 Ulrich's two older brothers, Henry
and Conrad lift home and moved to Virginia.
On Jan. 4, 1746 Ulrich's father bought 25 more ajoining acres
making his farm a total of 75 acres. Source: Northampton Co. Land Warants, 1734-1769, FHL microfilm
# 021686
In 1752 the area of Bucks County where Andreas's land was located became part of Northampton County. Andreas
did not move as some inturprate the change in county names.
In 1753 the French and Indian war broke out and the Northampton Co. area was under constant attack, many of Ulrich's
neighbors were kidnapped and killed.
About 1754 Ulrich's younger brother, Jacob Michael Brinker, move to Sciota, Hamilton Twp,
Northampton Co,(now Monroe), PA and built Brinker's Mill: which is still one of Pennsylvania's main historic sites
Also in 1754 Ulrich's Youngest brother Abraham Brinker married Elizabeth Bessen in Lower
Saucon Township, Bucks Co. Pa. thus leaving only Ulrich and his father to run the farm.
On Dec. 7, 1757 Ulrich's mother, Regula Herter, died at her home in Lower
Saucon Twp. Bucks Co., PA. She was buried in the Tohickon Ref. Church Cemetery, Doylestown, Bucks Co.
Pa. Source: Globally unique Identifier: 14F6032A-2A95-482B-93FC-53E882FEA546 Record ID Number:
On Feb. 28 1758 Ulrich's father married Anna Maria Sarah __? the widow of Adam Bayer at the Tohickon
Reformed Church, Bucks C0. Pa. Source: Marriages & Marriage Evid. in PA German Churches
On Mar. 27, 1759 Ulrich's half sister Margaret Brinker was born, the daughter of Andreas Brinker and Anna Maria
Sarah ___? She was born in Lower Saucon Township, Bucks Co. Pa.

Starting his family
On June 12, 1759 Uirich Brinker married his new step sister Apollonia Bayer the daughter of Adam Bayer
and Anna Maria Sarah ___? at the Tohickon Reformed Church, in Bucks C0. Pennsylvania. Apollonia
was born on ___, 1737 in Williams Twsp. Northampton Co. Pa. Source: Source:"Marriages & Marriage
Evid. in PA German Churches", Donna R. Irish, 1982, p. 410 - records of Tohickon Reformed Church, 1745-1869
On Mar. 16,1760 Andreas "Andrew" Brinker was christened at the Tohickon Reformed Church,
Westmoreland Co. PA. Source: "German Church Records of Westmoreland Co., PA",Vols. 1&2,
On ____,1760 Ulrich's half brother, Johan George Brinker, was born to Andreas Brinker and Ana Maria Sarah
__? He was born in Lower Saucon Twsp, Northampton Co. Pa.
On Jan. 25, 1761 Ulrich and Apollonia's second child Margaret Brinker was born in Lower Saucon Twsp. Northampton
Co. Pa. Source: ____
On ___, 1762 Ulrich's second half brother, Andrew Brinker, was born to Andreas Brinker and Anna Maria Sarah
___? He was born in Lower Saucon Twsp, Northampton Co. Pa.
In Sept. 1763 the indian attacks were so great that thirteen men and their families were forces to take refuge
in Ulrich's brothers mill. A signed petition requesting protection was sent out reading:
"Petition: for soldiers to be placed at the Jacob Brinker's mill; the people
have been driven from their homes, to our desolate habitations, so they could use the mill and almost forgot their woes but
now, every day they are exposed to the unmerciful hands of these savages just at our backs; only one-half have guns, barely
one charge of powder or lead; only God protects us; please place soldiers at the mill"
About Feb. __,1764 Ulrich's youngest brother Abraham Brinker died in Lower Saucon
Twsp. Northampton Co. Pa. He died with in the two months before his father, who died Mar. 12 of the same year. His widow was
included in Andreas's will.Source: Globally unique Identifier: 24F8605B-0BA3-4BBF-A4DB-4E652ECF4667
Record ID Number: MH:IF1072843
On Mar. 12, 1764 Ulrick's father, Andreas Brinker, wrote his Will and stated that he was ill at that time. This
was just a matter of days after his son's death indicating a possibility of some type of contagious disease. Source: "Some Descendants of Andreas Brinker.~ (1699-1789) by Jean Woods, 1972 (LDS microfilm #o924474,
Item 11), An abstract of the WIll is #65 on p. 7 of "Will Abstracts of Northampton CO., PA 1752-1802, compiled by John Eyerman
and published by Closson Press, 1982.
On Mar. __, 1764 Ulrich received one third of his father's 75 acre farm or (25 acres) as his inheritance.
(" And the remainder of the estate to be divided between the three sons namely, Olrig Brincker, Conrad Brincker,
and Jacob Brincker, equal shares in the whole.") Source: Andreas
Brinker's Will.
On Jul. 20, 1764 Ulrich and apollonia's third child, Abraham Brinker was born in Lower
Saucon Twsp, Northampton Co. Pa.
The 1767-1773 Northampton Co. tax records show Ulrich as a farmer with 50 acres cleared and 50 acres woods,
two horses and two cows.
Ulrich inherited 1/3 of Andreas's 75 acre farm which was 25 acres. Being that he was still living on the
farm at the time of his father's death and both other brothers were living in Virginia this may have been taxes on Andreas's
land but, I have been unable to prove this nor find were he bought the other 25 acres.
On Nov. 9, 1770 Ulrich and apollonia's fourth child, Jacob Adam Brinker was born in Lower Saucon Twsp. Northampton
Co. Pa.
On ___, 1772 Ulrich and Apollonia's fifth child, Adam Brinker, was born in Lower saucon Twsp. Northampton Co.
On ___, 1773 Ulrich and Apollonia's sixth child, John Brinker, was born in Lower Saucon
Twsp, Northampton Co, Pa.
On May 22, 1775 a meeting was held in Easton, Northampton Co Pa. re-establishing the Northampton Co. Militia.
Ulrich was inducted as a private under the command of Capt. Edward Shimer. Source: Library
of Congress, Muster Rolls relating to the Associators and Militia of Northapmton
In 1776 The Revolutionary War broke out, and Ulrich served under Capt. Edward Shimer in the Northampton
Co. Militia. He was a private in the 1st Battalion, Northampton Co. Militia; Fourth Company; Drum & Fife; Class 1st. Source:The Library of Congress, Muster Rolls relating to the Associators and Militia of Northapmton Co.
In Dec. 1776 the area around Ulrich's home became the setting for Gen. George Washingtons Troops as they prepared
to cross the delaware to storm Trenton NJ. on Christmas Day. That action was the first move in a surprise attack against the
Hessian forces at Trenton, New Jersey in the Battle of Trenton.
On Jan. 7, 1777 Ulrich and Apollonia's seventh child, John George Brinker, was born in Lower
Saucon Twsp, Northampton Co. Pa.
On Jun. 19, 1779 Ulrich's brother's mill (Brinker's Mill) Near Sciota, Hamilton Twp, Northampton
Co,(now Monroe Co), Pa. played a huge part in the Revolutionary War.
On June 19, 1779, General John Sullivan was ordered to march north through Pennsylvania into New York to
“subdue”and “punish” the Iroquois Indians. The Iroquois were at that time allies with the British
and had organized various raids in the northern frontier against the new nation. Sullivan and his army of 4000 men began their
march in Easton and after two days of marching reached Sciota and Brinker’s Mill. Months before Sullivan’s
arrival, the mill served as a storehouse, holding provisions for Sullivan’s Expedition upon its arrival. According to
various journals owned by Sullivan’s officers, the mill was referred to as “Sullivan’s Store.” After
supplying his troops, General Sullivan continued the mission into New York, he did stop again at Brinker’s
mill on the return trip to Easton in October 1779.
On Jun. 20, 1785 Ulrich Brinker Died at the age of 59, in Easton, Lower Saucon Twsp, Northampton Co. Pa.
Source: Globally unique Identifier: 810B0877-06ED-4DC7-92C2-9B23C8F09A38 Record ID Number: