the standards for rescue training
Texas Fire Museum
Dallas, Texas Sept.
24-25, 2010

We do have a few spots open for the Sept. classes:
- Awareness 6 openings
- Operations 7 openings
- Technician 9 openings
Please register below
Student Registration
read carefully as the registration process has changed.
Please register online so we are able to track
the number of students.
Payment must be made in full before your registration is
(See payment options below)

All attendees will receive Teex certificates for the hours they have completed.
These hours are eligible for CE credit, under both
SFFMA and Texas Commission
on Fire Protection.
All attendees from Texas volunteer departments are
eligible for the TFS
tuition reimbursement grant, by filing the TFS form.
The Application form may be acquired from the TFS website or by contacting
the Texas Forest Service in College Station at (979) 458-6505 or Lufkin
at (936) 636-8130.
Go to: http://txforestservice.tamu.edu/uploadedFiles/FRP/Capacity_Building/HB%202604%20Application(1).pdf to get the application and info.

Reserve your spot now!
To assure quality hands on training all classes are limited
Prerequisites are required for each course
(See individual class details before registering)
After submitting your registration
form please return here to submit payment.

Payment can be made here via PayPal or
Credit Card
Or send checks to:
Midsouth Rescue Technologies
10260 Westward Dr.
Ft Worth, Tx 76108